Summerville Monday RunDay

Both Mount Pleasant and Summerville stores host a FREE group run from the store every Monday night at 6:30pm and every Saturday morning at 8:00am. These are social runs and every pace is welcome. We’ll have 3-mile and 5-mile route options beginning and ending at the store. Because we like to have fun, we’ll occasionally make these themed runs with prizes and giveaways thrown in.
As of June 2020 we have a new waiver that will need to be signed by every participant the first time they are back running with the group. Please see Eryn Groh in Mt P or Justin Hart in SVL to sign the waiver.
Inclement Weather Policy - We want to keep you alive to run another day. A great deal of consideration goes into deciding to cancel group runs. We will cancel runs if there is severe weather such as lightning, tornadoes, active hurricanes or blizzards. In addition, we will cancel runs if the summer heat index becomes unsafe (95 degrees plus).
Group run cancellation notices will be posted on our Facebook pages. Please like our Facebook pages (Fleet Feet Mt. Pleasant and Fleet Feet Summerville) to get these updates. Cancellations will often be a game-time decision, so please check both often leading up to the workout. You may also call the store at 843-606-2546 (Mount Pleasant) or 843-879-9886 (Summerville).
Contact Us: Justin Hart ( and Sarah Harriman ( are our Summerville group run leaders. If you have any questions, concerns or awesome run ideas, please let them know!
Summerville Monday RunDay
Monday, March 17th at 06:30 PM
Join us every Monday at Fleet Feet Summerville at 6:30 PM for a 3 or 5 mile group run!
117 East Richardson Avenue
Summerville, SC 29483
Summerville Monday RunDayJoin us every Monday at Fleet Feet Summerville at 6:30 PM for a 3 or 5 mile group run!
Run Happy Power Hour!, Summerville Monday RunDayPick your route and distance. Pick your pace. Bring a friend. Make a friend. And, Run or Walk!
Summerville Saturday RunDayChoose from 3, or 5 mile route options. Pick your pace. Bring a friend. Make a friend. And, Run or Walk!
Summerville Monday RunDayChoose from 1, 3, or 5 mile route options. Pick your pace. Bring a friend. Make a friend. And, Run or Walk!
Summerville Saturday RunDayA Runday on a Saturday
Summerville Saturday RunDayA Saturday runday
Summerville Saturday RunDaySaturday Runday 8am
Summerville Saturday RunDaySaturday runday
Summerville Saturday RunDaySaturday runday
Summerville Saturday RunDayRunday on a Saturday
Summerville Saturday RunDayRunday on a saturday
Summerville Saturday RunDaySaturday runday 8am