Fleet Feet Sports Rochester

Fleet Feet is dedicated to fitting Rochester runners and walkers with footwear, apparel and accessories that meet their individual needs. We carry the best available running shoes from Adidas, ASICS, Brooks, Hoka, Karu, Mizuno, New Balance, Nike, Saucony and others. Our wide range of apparel and accessory items also include the best products from the best manufacturers.
ROC Friday Night Happy Hour Run/Walk
Friday, March 14th at 06:00 PM
Fridays, 6pm at Fleet Feet Sports at Ridgeway
The perfect way to start your weekend! Enjoy a low-key 2 or 3 mile run or walk. All paces and fitness levels welcome!
Because we respect your time, group workouts will start promptly at their designated start time. Plan accordingly if you need time beforehand to change or use the restrooms. Pre and post-run water is provided.
2522 Ridgeway Ave.
Greece, NY 14626
ROC Friday Night Happy Hour Run/WalkFridays, 6pm at Fleet Feet Sports at Ridgeway The perfect way to start your weekend! Enjoy a low-key 2 or 3 mile run or walk. All paces and fitness levels welcome! Because we respect your time, group workouts will start promptly at their designated start time. Plan accordingly if you need time beforehand to change or use the restrooms. Pre and post-run water is provided.
ROC-5K No Boundaries Kick - OffLearn to Run No Boundaires Training Kick OFF
ROC-2pt0/3pt0 No Boundaries Kick - OffNo Boundaires Training
ROC-WalkFIT Training Kick - OffWalkFIT Training Kick Off
ROC Monday Fun Day WorkoutStart your week off on the right foot! Join us for a 1-5 mile run or walk at Fleet Feet Sports Ridgeway at 6PM. Routes and water will be provided.
ROC Tuesday Night Hill WorkoutsTuesdays, 6PM at Fleet Feet Sports @ The Armory This is an excellent opportunity to put a hill workout into your week! We'll warm up to Cobbs Hill, do hill repeats, then cool down back to the store. All paces and fitness levels welcome!
ROC-Armory No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaries 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 workout at the Armory location 6PM
ROC-Ridgeway No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaires 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 Ridgeway 6PM
ROC-WalkFIT WorkoutWalkFIT 5K, and Intermediate Armory 5:45PM
ROC-No Boundaries - GWCNo Boundaries 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 @ Genesee Waterways Center 8AM
ROC-WalkFIT - GWCWalkFIT 5K and Intermediate at Genesee Waterways Center
ROC-Armory No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaries 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 workout at the Armory location 6PM
ROC-Ridgeway No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaires 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 Ridgeway 6PM
ROC-WalkFIT WorkoutWalkFIT 5K, and Intermediate Armory 5:45PM
ROC-No Boundaries - ArmoryNo Boundaries Training 5K, 2pt0 and 3pt0 at the Armory 8AM
ROC-WalkFIT - ArmoryWalkFIT Training 5K and Intermedaite 7:45Am Armory
ROC-Armory No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaries 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 workout at the Armory location 6PM
ROC-Ridgeway No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaires 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 Ridgeway 6PM
ROC-WalkFIT WorkoutWalkFIT 5K, and Intermediate Armory 5:45PM
ROC Pub Run at CharJoin us for a workout and a drink. Run or walk 2, 3 or 5 (ish) miles and then stick around to enjoy drink specials and great people.
ROC-No Boundaries - DurandNo Boundaries Training Durand Park 8AM 5K, 2pt0 and 3pt0
ROC-WalkFIT - DurandWalkFIT Training at Durand 7:45am WalkFIt 5K and Intermediate
ROC Diva Day BrunchGrab your girlfriends and get ready to get pampered. This is a shopping event for all of the ladies! Enjoy shoe and bra fittings, mimosas, waffles, coffee and special savings!
ROC-Armory No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaries 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 workout at the Armory location 6PM
ROC-Ridgeway No Boundaries WorkoutNo Boundaires 5K, 2pt0, 3pt0 Ridgeway 6PM
ROC-WalkFIT WorkoutWalkFIT 5K, and Intermediate Armory 5:45PM
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Workout Fleet Feet Sports RochesterNo Boundaries Workout 6PM
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT 5:45am
No Boundaries and WalkFIT workout Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT 5:45pm
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT 5:45pm
No Boundaires and WalkFIT Workout Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT 5:45pm
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Workout Fleet Feet Sports RochesterNOBO at 8am WE at 7:45am
No Boundaires and WalkFIT Workout Fleet Feet Sports RochesterNOBO at 8am
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT 5:45pm
Sat. NOBO WF Fleet Feet Sports RochesterNOBO 8am
ROC - Winter Warrior Kick OffTuesday, December 8th - Winter Warroir Kick off and reading of the rules at the Armory 6PM
NOBO WF Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWF 5:45pm
ROC- adidas Happy Hour Workoutadidas will be coming to Ridgeway at 6PM for the Happy Hour run/walk! 5 Winter Warrior Points!
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Fleet Feet Sports RochesterNOBO 8am WF 7:45am
ROC- Count the lights walk/runCome to Ridgeway for nice workout throughout the neighborhoods to see all of the cool Christmas lights and decorations! Worth 5 Winter Warrior Points!
ROC- Hill workout with SuperfeetJoin us at the Armory for your regular hill workout but Kathy from Superfeet will be there to tell you guys everything you need to know for having good support in your shoes!
Snow Cheap Race #1Night time run through Cobbs Hill Park
Final Workout NOBO/WF Fleet Feet Sports RochesterFinal Wednesday Workout
ROC- Ugly Sweater WorkoutJoin us for our usual Happy Hour Run at RW but in your UGLIEST sweaters! We will take pictures and have a vote on Facebook to see who wins the Ugliest Sweater Award!
REINDEER RUN!Worth 10 Winter Warrior Points!!!!
ROC- Paddington's Pub RunJoin us at Paddingtons Pub and Plate in Greece for a fun pub run!
ROC- Hill workoutHill workout at Armory! We will also be colecting non-perishable food tonight to donate Food Link!!
Graduation Fleet Feet Sports Rochestergraduation
ROC- Egg Nog JogCome to the Armory at 10:30AM for a nice workout and then enjoy some Egg Nog and other holiday treats!!
ROC- Monday Fun day WorkoutMonday Fun day group workout at RW
ROC- Hill WorkoutHill Group Workout around Cobbs Hill Park
Snow Cheap Race #2Night race around Cobbs Hill Park! Worth 7 Winter Warrior Points!
ROC- Resolution RunMorning resolution group run at RW!
ROC- Monday Fun Day WorkoutGroup workout at RW
ROC- Hill workoutHill workout around Cobbs Hill Park
ROC- Happy Hour WorkoutHappy Hour Group Workout RW!
WINTER WARRIOR HALF MARATHONWinter Warrior Half Marathon/ Relay at Rochester Tech Park!
WINTER WARRIOR RELAY!Winter Warrior Half Marathon and Relay at Rochester Tech Park!
ROC- Craft Wear testRidgeway Monday Funday run at 6PM. Craft will be here to let you guys wear test some awesome gear!
ROC- Craft Hill WorkoutNormal Hill workout at Armory at 6PM but if you missed Monday nights run, Craft will be here again to let you try some of their gear!
Snow Cheap #3Snow Cheape Race #3 at Cobbs Hill.
ROC- Silly Sock WorkoutCome dressed in your crazy, fun, silly socks at Ridgeway at 6PM.
ROC- Monday Fun RunRidegway Monday Fun Group Run or Walk!
ROC- Hill WorkoutHill workout around Cobbs Hill
ROC- Warm up Run!Ridgeway Happy Hour Run with Hot Chocolate!!!
ROC- TWETTrails With the Endurence Team! North Ponds Park at 9AM.
ROC- Monday Fun RunRidgeway Fun Run 6PM
ROC- Hill WorkoutRun around Cobbs Hill. 6PM from Armory.
Snow Cheap #4Race at Cobbs Hill. Snow Cheap #4!
ROC HFM Kick OFFHFM Training Kick Off Night. 6PM at the Ridgeway Store
ROC- Happy Hour RunRidgeway Happy Hour Run 6PM.
ROC Saturday HFM Pace Pass Workout7:30am Pace Pass, HFM and Sehgahunda Workout. 5 and 8 miles.
ROC- Monday Fun RunMonday Fun Run. Snowman Winner Announced. 6PM at Ridgeway.
ROC- Hill Workout6PM- 3ish miles up and around Cobbs Hill.
HFM AM Workout6am workout HFM
ROC- TWETTrails with the Endurance Team 6PM from Armory.
HFM Thurs. Fleet Feet Sports RochesterHFM Thursday workout 6pm
ROC- Happy Hour WorkoutRidgeway Happy Hour Run/walk 6PM
ROC NOBO and WF kick off Fleet Feet Sports RochesterKick Off
ROC. SAT. HFM Fleet Feet Sports RochesterHFM 7:30 @ Ridgeway
Cupids Cup 5KNew Race Cupids Cup 5k!! Pinnacle Athletic Campus at 11AM.
ROC- Monday Fun RunRidgeway 2 OR 3 mile run or walk. 6PM
ROC- Hill Workout3ish Mile run around Cobbs Hill from Armory 6PM.
Snow Cheap #5Snow Cheap #5 at Cobbs Hill.
Wed. NOBO/WF Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT 5:45pm NOBO 6pm
ROCH HFM Thursday workout6pm at Ridgeway
ROC- Valentines Day WorkoutWear Pink or Red and dress up Valentines Day themed. Happy Hour Run. 6PM Ridgeway.
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training Workout7:45am WalkFIT
ROC Mendon Long Run - HFM and Pace Pass7:30am long run at Mendon Ponds Park
ROC No Boundaries Weds. WorkoutRoc No Boundaries Wednesday workout Armory or Ridgeway.
ROC - Thurs HFM workoutHFM @ Armory Thursday
ROC Beach Day WorkoutHH run from RW 6pm
ROC HFM Long Run - Ridgeway7:30am Long Run at Ridgeway
ROC - No Boundaries Sat. Workout7:45am WalkFIT Armory
ROC - Sehgahunda Training Tuesday W/OSehgahunda Training Program - Workout
No Boundaries / WF Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT 5:45pm
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6:00pm Ridgeway Tempo and Fueling Chat
ROC HFM Armory Long RunLong Run 7:30am - Armory
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT WorkoutMendon Ponds Park
ROC - Trails with the Endurance Team - Off-siteTrails With The Endurance Team Mendon Ponds Park - Meet at Beach Lot near Stewart Lodge Sunday February 28th at 9AM
3/2/16 - Roc no boundaries and walkfitWalkFIT @ Armory 5:45pm
ROC HFM Thursday TempoHFM 6:00pm Armory
HFM Thurs. Fleet Feet Sports RochesterHFM 6pm
ROC Sat. long run Fleet Feet Sports Rochester7:30am HFM
nobo & walkfit armory workoutwalkfit: 5:45am
ROC - Weds. No Boundaries and walkFIT TrainingWalkFIT at 5:45pm Armory Only
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm at Ridgeway
ROC - HFM Saturday Long RunSat. Long run 7:30am at the Armory - HFM and Pace Pass
ROC- No Boundaries and WalkFIT Workout MendonMendon Ponds - 7:45am WalkFIT, 8:00am No Boundaries
ROC - No Boundaries and WalKFIT WorkoutWalkFIT 5:45pm
ROC- HFM Tempo Workout6-7pm Armory
ROC HFM at DurandDurand 7:00am
ROC - No Boundaries and WalKFIT WorkoutDurand Eastman
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Workout Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWF 5:45pm
HFM Thurs. Fleet Feet Sports Rochester6pm Ridgeway workout
no boundaries and walkfit5:45pm walkfit
hfm Thursday Rochester6pm HFM
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Workout Fleet Feet Sports RochesterSaturday at Durand
HFM Saturday Workout ROCWebster Park 7am
Corporate Challenge Training Fleet Feet Sports Rochester9:30am Armory
nobo & wf Fleet Feet Sports Rochester6pm
ROC HFM Workout6pm @ Ridgeway HFM Training
ROC HFM Saturday Long Run7am @ the Armory FCC Preview
ROC Sat. No Boundaries at Webster7:45am WalkFIT
Corporate Challenge Training Fleet Feet Sports Rochester9:30am @ the Amrory
NOBO ROC Fleet Feet Sports RochesterNOBO 6pm WF 5:45pm
HFM Armory6:00pm
ROC HFM Armory Long Run7am Armory
ROC Corporate Challenge Workout9:30am Armory
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training WorkoutWF 7:45am
ROC Final No Boundaries and WalkFIT Workout6pm at the Armory
ROC Corporate Challenge Workout6:00pm Armory
Century Club Pub RunPub Run At The Century ClubThurs, April 28th, 6:00pm We're teaming up with The Strathallan to bring you the first Pub Run of 2016 at The Century Club, 566 East Ave. Join us for your choice of a 2, 3 or 5 mile run/walk, and then enjoy drinks and friendly conversation in this very unique setting. All paces are welcome, so invite your friends and make a night of it!
ROC HFM Ridgeway Long Run7:00 am Ridgeway long run for HFM
ROC Corporate Challenge Workout9:30am at Armory
UrbanFIT 5/2UrbanFit
ROC Graduationgraduation party!
ROC Tempo HFM Thursday6pm @ the Armory
UrbanFIT 5/5UrbanFIT
ROC Corporate Challenge WorkoutArmory 9:30am
ROC HFM long run - Armory7:00am long run at the Armory
UrbanFIT 5/9UrbanFIT
HFM Durand ROC7am Roc Durand HFM
ROC CCT Workout9:30am Armory
UrbanFITAt Highland Park
ROC Speed Camp6 Week session aimed at making you a faster and stronger runner!
UrbanFIT 5/19180 reservoir Road at the Lamberton Conservatory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ Armory
ROC HFM Final Long Run7am Armory Final Long Run for HFM Training
Final Corporate Challenge Workout9:30am Corporate Challenge Workout Armory
UrbanFIT 5/23/16Coach Maggie
Pub Run at West EdgeFree walk/run of variouis distances! Come back to west Edge to enjoy the beautiful patio, friends, and drink specials to benefit the Habitat for Humanity.
Speed Camp 5/31Workout 2
UrbanFIT 6/2Coach Eric
UrbanfIT 6/6Coach Maggie
ROC - Trails with the Endurance TeamThursday June 9th, 2016 - Trails with the Endurance Team @ The Armory at 6PM!
UrbanFIT 6/9Coach Eric
ROC No Boundaries & WalkFIT Kick Off7am -12pm
UrbanFIT 6/13Coached by Maggie
ROC Armory WalkFIT and No Boundaries TrainingWalkFIT 5:45pm
ROC HFM Kick OFF6-8pm at Ridgeway
WEBSTER No Bo WF7:00am - 9:30am
ROC HFM Armory Long Run7am - 10am
ROC WalkFIT and No Boundaries WorkoutWalkFIT 5:45pm
ROC HFMTempo Thursday 6pm
ROC WalkFIT and No Boundaries WorkoutWalkFIT 7:00am
ROC Saturday HFM / Pace PassPace pass and HFM Saturday 7am
UrbanFITCoach Eric/ Maggie
Pub Run at Genesee Brew HouseUf and HFM
ROC Speed Camp5:45pm
Roc Pub RUNNew Balance Pub Run at the Armory
ROC Speed CampSpeed Camp Workout 5:45pm at theh Armory
ROC - Speed Camp TrainingSpeed Camp
ROC UrbanFIT60 minute UrbanFIT workout at Cobbs Hill Park.
friends and family6pm
WF Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWalkFIT
WalkFIT Half MarathonWF Half Marathon
Char Pub RunPub run
ROC WEDS No Boundaries and WalkFIT WorkoutWalkFIT 5:45pm
ROC Thurs. Half and Full Marathon WorkoutHFM 6pm
ROC SAT No Boundaries and WalkFIT WorkoutWalkFIT 7:45am
ROC Sat. HFM and Pace Pass Workout7:30am long run
Three Heads Brewing Pub RunPub Run with 2,3, and 5 mile route options
ROC - Post Election Day Run/WalkWalk start at the Armory at 5:45pm
ROCnarAnnual store-to-store run.
Fleet Feet Sports RochesterWaffles
Winter Warrior Kickoff6pm @ The Armory
ROC Friday Happy Hour Run2,3, and 5 mile options
Candy Cane RunHoliday Run 10:30am
ROC Altra Count the LightsWear Test
Altra Tuesday Night Hill WorkoutAltra demo and wear test
Snow Cheap #13-5 Miles
final workout nobo walkfitlast workout
Happy Hour RunFriday Workout
Reindeer Run 5KYJR Event
ROC Saucony Freedom RunDemo Run
ROC Mizuno Ugly SweaterMizuno Demo
Winter Fest WorkoutHappy Hour
Egg Nog JogFun Run
B.Y.O.M.Bring your own mug
Tuesday Night Hill WorkoutSocial Run
Snow Cheap #2Cobbs
Happy Hour Run/WalkRidgeway
Resolution RunRidgeway
ROC WW HalfHalf Marathon
WW RelayRelay Participants
WW VolunteersVolenteer
ROC Snow Cheap 3Cobbs Hill at 7:15 pm
run585 Group RunAt 9am, we'll set out to "run585" around the neighboring streets. The course itself is about 4.5 miles, so you're welcome to do as much or as little of the course as you'd like! Because the run585 is about celebrating all things local, we'll imbibe on some post-run Bloody Mary's from Black Button!
Fleet Feet Sports RochesterROC Race Team Social
Snow Cheap Trail Series, Race #4Join us for this super-cool, mid-week, low-key winter fun trail race series at Cobbs Hill! There are 6 races offered from December - February. You can register for each race separately, or commit to the entire series. Headlamps Are Required. Each race starts at 7:15pm and the trails will be dark, so you must wear a headlamp or you will not be allowed to participate. http://yellowjacketracing.com/categories/snow-cheap-winter-trail-series
ROC Sehgahunda Tuesday W/OTuesday Night Hill Workout @ The Armory
Snow Cheap Trail Series Race # 5Join us for this super-cool, mid-week, low-key winter fun trail race series at Cobbs Hill! There are 6 races offered from December - February. You can register for each race separately, or commit to the entire series. Headlamps Are Required. Each race starts at 7:15pm and the trails will be dark, so you must wear a headlamp or you will not be allowed to participate. http://yellowjacketracing.com/categories/snow-cheap-winter-trail-series
2.11.17 - No Boundaries and WalkFIT Kick Off9:0am
Heart RunAll speeds and abilities are welcome to join us for our FREE ArtRUN & ArtWALK workout series. For Runners AND Walkers!! Combining Creativity with your workout! Right brain meets left brain! Workouts where you actually create Map Art. Each month we will host a new theme where the distance is between 3 and 5 miles, using your mapping software after the run or walk the route we do will create the theme of the workout and become a picture. For example, in January we hosted RUN585 workout, where the map spelled out RUN585. Great opportunity to meet people, get a great workout, create art plus enjoy post workout festivities and libations which change for each theme. Plus receive a complimentary sticker to commemorate your workout! When are these ArtRUNS/ArtWALKS & What are the themes?
2.15.17 - No Boundaries and WalkFIT TrainingWalkFIT at 5:45pm
2.16.17 - ROC HFM workoutArmory 6pm HFM workout
2.18.17 - HFM, Pace Pass, WorkoutArmory 7:30am
2.18.17 No Boundaries and WalkFIT TrainingArmory
Snow Cheap Trail Series Race # 6Join us for this super-cool, mid-week, low-key winter fun trail race series at Cobbs Hill! There are 6 races offered from December - February. You can register for each race separately, or commit to the entire series. Headlamps Are Required. Each race starts at 7:15pm and the trails will be dark, so you must wear a headlamp or you will not be allowed to participate. http://yellowjacketracing.com/categories/snow-cheap-winter-trail-series
2.23.16 HFM6pm workout
2.25.17 HFM workout7:30am at the Armory
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT745 and 8am
2/1/17 No Boundaries and WalkFIT WorkoutNo Boundaries at 6:15pm
2/2/17 HFM ArmoryHFM at the Armory 6:00pm
3.4.17 HFM, NOBO & WFgroup workout Ridgeway and Armory
3.9.17 HFM6pm Armory
3.11.17 Mendon Ponds WorkoutWF, HFM & NOBO
Shamrock RunAll speeds and abilities are welcome to join us for our FREE ArtRUN & ArtWALK workout series. For Runners AND Walkers!! Combining Creativity with your workout! Right brain meets left brain! Workouts where you actually create Map Art. Each month we will host a new theme where the distance is between 3 and 5 miles, using your mapping software after the run or walk the route we do will create the theme of the workout and become a picture. For example, in January we hosted RUN585 workout, where the map spelled out RUN585. Great opportunity to meet people, get a great workout, create art plus enjoy post workout festivities and libations which change for each theme. Plus receive a complimentary sticker to commemorate your workout! When are these ArtRUNS/ArtWALKS & What are the themes?
ROC Pi DayPi Day Run/Walk Are you up for some Pi day fun? Join us on Tuesday, 3/14 for our annual Pi Day Run/Walk! We'll leave the store at 6pm to tackle a 3.14 mile route. In addition to some of our awesome vendors being here with trivia and cool raffle prizes, we'll finish off the night with some post-run pie!
ROC HFM 3.16.176-7pm
ROC - 3.18.17 No Boundaries and WalkFIT WorkoutSpring Forward weekend. @ The Armory
No Boundaries & WalkFIT 3.22.17WalkFIT 5:45pm
ROC HFM 3.23.17HFM 6pm at Ridgeway
Sehgahunda Leg #1 PreviewSaturday, March 25th, 9am Sehgahunda Preview Run: Leg #1 Mount Morris Dam, 6103 Visitor Center Rd, Mt. Morris, NY 14510
Whether you're running solo or as part of a relay team, you're invited to preview Leg #1 of the Sehgahunda Trail Marathon on Saturday, March 25th.
Park at the Dam and run the 6.1 miles from the Start Line to Checkpoint 1. Then, you can either catch a shuttle back to where you started - or double your workout, and run back to the start!
ROC HFM 3.257:00am
ROC No Bo & WF 3.25.17Webster Park
ROC Ridgeway 5K 3.29.17No Boundaries 5K at Ridgeway 6:15pm
ROC Armory WF/2pt0/3pt0 3.29.15WalkFIT and 2pt0/3pt0 at the Armory.
ROC HFM at the Armory 3.30.17HFM at the Armory 6:00pm
4.1.2017 No Boundaries and WalkFIT Course PreviewCourse Preview 7:30am at the Blue Cross Arena
HFM Course Preview 4.1.2017HFM and Pace Pass Course Preview 7:00am at the Blue Cross Arena
ROC NOBO 5K @ Armory & WalkFIT5:45pm WalkFIT
ROC NoBo 2pt0/3pt0 Ridgeway2pt0/3pt0 @ Ridgeway 6:15pm
ROC HFM 4.6.17Half and Full Marathon 6pm Ridgeway
4.8.17 previewBCA
Sehgahunda Leg #2 PreviewSunday, April 9th, 9am Sehgahunda Preview Run: Leg #2 Meet at Checkpoint #1 on River Road (between Nunda Road and Ridge Road, 42°40'57.0"N 77°55'28.1"W) at 9am
The starting point can be a bit hard to find if you're just driving by. There is no parking lot, next-to-road parking only.
This preview will cover the 9.3 miles from Checkpoint #1 to Checkpoint #3. Again, you will have an option of a shuttle back to where you started, or you can double the workout by running out and back.
4.12.17 - WalkFIT & NOBO ALL ARMORY5:45 WalkFIT
ROC Half and Full Marathon 4.13.17Half and Full Marathon Training Workout 6pm
4.13.17 Durand HFM, NOBO, Pace Pass, WalkFITDurand Workouts
ROC WalkFIT and No Boundaries WorkoutWalkFIT 5:45pm
Pub Run/ Earth DayAll speeds and abilities are welcome to join us for our FREE ArtRUN & ArtWALK workout series. For Runners AND Walkers!! Combining Creativity with your workout! Right brain meets left brain! Workouts where you actually create Map Art. Each month we will host a new theme where the distance is between 3 and 5 miles, using your mapping software after the run or walk the route we do will create the theme of the workout and become a picture. For example, in January we hosted RUN585 workout, where the map spelled out RUN585. Great opportunity to meet people, get a great workout, create art plus enjoy post workout festivities and libations which change for each theme. Plus receive a complimentary sticker to commemorate your workout! When are these ArtRUNS/ArtWALKS & What are the themes?
roc HFM Charlotte7am
Froc WalkFIT & No Boundaries7:45 walkfit 8am nobo
Sehgahunda Leg #3 PreviewSunday, April 23rd, 9am Sehgahunda Preview Run: Leg #3 Meet at Checkpoint #3 on River Road (between Picket Line Road and Crossover Road) at 9am. There is a blue-blazed trail-head marked #22. There is no parking lot, just next-to-road parking.
REQUEST: When driving down River Road, just before you get to Checkpoint #3, turn left on Picket Line Road. Then take your first right onto Crossover Road which is a small dirt road. Park on the right hand (north) side of Crossover near the intersection of River Road. It is then about a 400 meter walk to Checkpoint #3.
Leg #3 is approximately 6.5 miles, from Checkpoint #3 to Checkpoint #6. Again, you will have an option of a shuttle back to where you started, or you can double the workout by running out and back.
4.26.17 Roc WF & NOBOFinal workout
ROC No Boundaries and WF Graduation6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC HFM Thursday TempoTonight 6pm
Mom Run
All speeds and abilities are welcome to join us for our FREE ArtRUN & ArtWALK workout series. For Runners AND Walkers!! Combining Creativity with your workout! Right brain meets left brain! Workouts where you actually create Map Art. Each month we will host a new theme where the distance is between 3 and 5 miles, using your mapping software after the run or walk the route we do will create the theme of the workout and become a picture. For example, in January we hosted RUN585 workout, where the map spelled out RUN585. Great opportunity to meet people, get a great workout, create art plus enjoy post workout festivities and libations which change for each theme. Plus receive a complimentary sticker to commemorate your workout! When are these ArtRUNS/ArtWALKS & What are the themes?
Sehgahunda Leg #4 PreviewSunday, May 7th, 9am Sehgahunda Preview Run: Leg #4 Meet at the Parade Grounds in Portageville, NY (N 42° 35.013 W 78° 01.910)
We're starting at the Parade Grounds (aka, the Finish Line) and running back to Checkpoint 6. Expect a mix of trails & dirt road. It's 4.4 miles one way (shuttle provided), or 8.8 miles out and back!
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm tempo
ROC HFM Long Run - Durand7am at Durand
ROC Corporate Challenge w/o6pm @ The Armory
5/25 West Edge Pub RunWest Edge Pub Run @ 6pm
Midtown eats 16pm-7pm
ROC WAFFLE RUN/WALK7:30am at the Armory
ROC Artrun - Dad7:30am at the Armory
ROC WalkFIT Half Marathon6pm @ The Armory
ROC 7am Training Run/Walk7am training program workout Armory
ROC WALKFIT workout5:45pm WalkFIT Half at the Armory
ROC - Three Heads Brewing Pub Run6pm
HFM Three Heads Brewing6-7pm Three Heads Brewing
ROC Ridgeway Workout7:00am - Ridgeway
ROC NOBO & WF Kick Off!6pm at the Armory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Training Program Workouts7am - 10am @ the Armory
Roc No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training5:45pm @ the Armory Walkfit
ROC HFM midtown eats6pm at Midtown.
Fleet Feet Sports RochesterDash & Dine 2, 3, 5 mile routes
Midtown EatsMidtown Eats 6pm
ROC Training at Charlotte7am - 10am Charlotte
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Workout5:30pm GVP
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm Tempo at Ridgeway
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training Workout5:45pm WalkFIT
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm Armory
ROC Training @ The Armory7am - 11am
Fleet Feet Sports RochesterYappy Hour @ The Armory
ROC Weds. No Boundaries and WalkFIT workout5:45pm WalkFIT
ROC HFM Thursday TempoHFM Thursday 6pm
Training at DurandTraining at Durand
WF and No Boundaries at GVP5:30pm GVP
HFM @ Dash N Dine6pm
Dash n Dine Midtown6pm
ROC Sat. TrainingArmory 7:00am
WalkFIT and No Boundaries Training2pt0/3pt0 @ Ridgeway
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm at Ridgeway
Saturday at Durand7:00am HFM, Pace Pass, WalkFIT Half and WalKFIT Intermediate
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training WorkoutArmory only
HFM Thurs. Fleet Feet Sports RochesterArmory 6-7pm
Fleet Feet Sports Rochester hfm7am
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training Workout5:45pm
HOSE 22 HFM6-7pm
Hose 22 pub workout6pm @ hose 22
ROC - Saturday TrainingCharlotte 7am
roc Saturday training7am
ROC - No Boundaries and WalKFIT Workout5:45 WalkFIT
Roc - HFM at the Armory6:00pm @ The Armory
ROC HFM - Thursday6pm Armory
ROC WalkFIT & No Boundaries Training5:45pm - 7:15pm at the Armory
ROC HFM Thursday TempoDash N Dine
HFM - Ridgeway Saturday7:00am Ridgeway
ROC No Boundaries & WalkFIT Saturday7:45am Armory
ROC FINAL NOBO / WF 3 miler5:45pm WalkFIT
ROC HFM @ The ArmoryHFM 6-7pm Armory
Pub Run @ CharPub Run/walk at Char at the Strathallan. 550 East Ave.
ROC Sat. HFM7:00am HFM workout
ROC - HFM Ridgeway6pm TT and Orientation.
ROC - Armory HFM/Pace Pass7:30AM
ROC HFM Tuesday w/oRidgway 6-7pm HFM workout
ROC NOBO & WF Kickoff @ Armory6pm
Dash n Dine Midtown6pm
Sat. Training - Armory7:30am
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT workout6pm @ the Armory
ROC Thursday HFM Workout6pm @ The Armory
ROC @ Durand7:30am start Durand
ROC Tuesday Training WorkoutRidgeway 6pm
nobo wednesday6pm armory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ Armory
Roc Saturday WF/HFM/PACE PASS/ NOBOCharlotte 7:30am
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm at Ridgeway
ROC - No Boundaries and WalKFIT Workout6pm
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ The Armory
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC - Tuesday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC No Boundaries and WalkFIT Training Workout6pm @ Armory
ROC Thurs. Half and Full Marathon Workout6pm @ Armory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ Armory
ROC Saturday Training7:30am Armory
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6PM @ Ridgeway
ROC Wednesday Training Workout6pm @ The Armory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ The Armory
ROC Training @ Durand7:30am @ Durand
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Wednesday Training Workout6pm @ The Armory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ the Armory
ROC Training @ The Armory7:30am @ The Armory
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Wednesday Training Workout6pm @ The Armory
Black Friday waffle run9am at ridgeway
ROC Training @ The Armory7:30am @ the Armory
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Wednesday Training Workout6pm @ Armory
ROC HFM Thursday TempoArmory 6pm
ROC Training @ Ridgeway7:30am @ Ridgeway
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Wednesday Training Workout6pm @ The Armory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm Armory workout
ROC Training @ The Armory7:30am @ The Armory
ROC Wednesday Training Workout6pm @ The Armory
ROC Tempo HFM Thursday6om @ The Armory
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Kick Off6pm @ The Armory
ROC Wednesday Training Workout6:00pm at the Armory
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6pm @ the Armory
Winter Warrior Friday Night Workout6pm @ both locations
ROC Training @ The Armory7:30am at the Armory
Winter Warrior Egg Nog Job10am Armory
ROC Tuesday Training Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Snow Cheap #2Snow Cheap #2
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo@ the Armory 6pm
Winter Warrior Friday Night Workout6pm Both Locations
ROC Training @ The Armory7:30am @ the Armory
Winter Warrior Resolution Run10am At Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Donut MileMonday January 1st. Armory 11am
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Friday Night Workout6pm Armory or Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Half / Relay!Winter Warrior Half and Relay 4pm
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Snow Cheap #3Snow Cheap #3
Winter Warrior Friday Night Workout6pm Armory or Ridgeway
ROC Staff Run/Walk9am Armory
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Friday Night Workout6pm Armory or Ridgeway
ROC Staff Run/Walk9am Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Snow Cheap #4Snow Cheap #4 6:30pm
HFM Thursday Speed6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Friday Night WorkoutRidgeway or Armory
ROC - HFM Group Workout7:30am at the Armory
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Friday Night WorkoutArmory or Ridgeway 6pm
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
ROC HFM Tuesday6pm @ Ridgeway - Tuesday workout HFM
Winter Warrior Snow Cheap #5Snow Cheap #5
ROC Thursday HFM Workout6pm @ The Armory - ROC HFM
ROC HFM Thurs. Workout6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Friday Night WorkoutArmory or Ridgeway 6pm
ROC Training Saturday7:30am Armory
ROC HFM & Pace Pass Sat. Workout7:30am
Winter Warrior Cupids Cup11am Winter Warrior Cupids Cup
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
ROC HFM Tues. Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
ROC Weds. WF & NoBo Workout6pm @ The Armory
Winter Warrior Friday Night Workout6pm Armory or Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Cabin FeverCabin Fever 10am
ROC WF & NoBo Sat. Workout7:45am at Parks
ROC WW Sunday EventMerchants Grill Event
Winter Warrior Monday Workout6pm @ Ridgeway
Winter Warrior Tuesday Night Hills6pm @ The Armory
ROC Tues. WF & NOBO WorkoutTuesdays at Ridgeway 6pm
Winter Warrior Snow Cheap #6Snow Cheap #6
BIG COMMIT - ARTRun/Walk10am Armory
ROC FREE Sat. w/o8:30am
Spring Spartan - Kick OffKick Off 6pm
Spring Spartan - Relax6pm
Spring Spartan TacoTaco Mile
Spring Spartan - Armory8:30am
Spring Spartan - Funday6pm
Spring Spartan - Hills6pm
Spring Spartan - Dirt Cheap #2DC#2
Spring Spartan - Relax6pm
Spring Spartan - Ridgeway8:30am
Spring Spartan - Funday6pm
Spring Spartan - Hills6pm
Spring Spartan - Relax6pm
Spring Spartan - Armory8:30am
Spring Spartan - Vail of 3 FallsVail of 3 falls.
Spring Spartan - Funday6pm
Spring Spartan - Hills6pm
Spring Spartan - Pub RunPub Run
ROC - Three Heads Brewing Pub Run6pm @ Three Heads Brewing Co.
Spring Spartan - Relax6pm
Spring Spartan - Ridgeway8:30am
Spring Spartan - Funday6pm
Spring Spartan - Hills6pm
Spring Spartan - Relax6pm
Spring Spartan - Armory8:30am
Spring Spartan ArtRUN10am
Spring Spartan - Hills6pm
Spring Spartan - Funday6pm
Spring Spartan - Hills6pm
Spring Spartan - Relay for Life6am
Spring Spartan - Run 5856:45pm
Spring Spartan - Mendon Mauler6pm
Spring Spartan - Ridgeway8:30am
Spring Spartan - Tour De Cure8am
Spring Spartan - Dirt Cheap #36:30pm
Spring Spartan - Armory8:30am
Spring Spartan - Pub Run6pm
Spring Spartan - Ridgeway8:30am
ROC - Pub run 6/23Pub run at 6pm
ROC HFM Kick Off6pm @ Ridgeway
Tuesday HFM & WF HALFRidgeway
HFM Thursday Speed6pm
ROC - Sat. Training (HFM, Pace Pass, NoBo, WF)training at the Armory
ROC Tuesday. HFM, WF, and NOBO5:45pm at Ridgeway
ROC HFM Thursday Workout6pm-7pm Armory
ROC Tuesday Training Workout5:45pm
ROC Wednesday Training Workout5:45pm
ROC HFM Thursday Tempo6:00pm
ROC Sat. WF, HFM, NOBO and Pace Pass Workout7:00am
Roc Training @ Ridgeway5:45pm
Pub run bar Louis6pm
Roc long run and walk6:45am
ROC Ridgeway Training5:45pm
ROC Training Armory5:45pm
Thursday HFM6:00pm
ROC Training Saturday7am
ROC Training @ Ridgeway5:45pm
ROC Training5:45pm
ROC HFM Thursday Speed6pm
ROC Training Saturday7:00am
ArtRUN - Armory10am
Hose 22 Pub Run6:00 pub run @ Hose 22
Pub Run @ The Exchange6pm
ROC Training Saturday7:30am - 10:30am
ROC Training Tuesday5:45pm to 7:00pm
No Boundaries and WalkFIT Kick Off6pm @ The Armory
ROC Training Thursday6:00pm - 7:00pm
ROC Training @ The Armory5:45pm
ROC Winter Warrior w/o Candy Cane Run/Walk9:15am
SC #1 Check-insnow cheap
EGGNOG JOG10:30am both locations
RESOLUTION RUN10:30am both stores.
Donut MileHappy New Year!
Saucony Challenge Pointfleet feet
Snow Cheap #2Snow Cheap #2
Winter Warrior Halfhalf marathon
push ups 1/6/19push ups
winter warrior ridgeway9:15am
Pushups 1/13/2019week 2
Snow Cheap Race 3Race 3 check in
ROC Winter Warrior Saturday Workout9:15am Saturday winter warrior workout
Pushups 1/20/2019Push ups
ROC Speed Play / HFM Speed6-7pm alternating locations each week.
ROC HFM & Pace Pass Long Run7:30am Saturday (varying locations)
ROC No Boundaries and WalkCrew Workout5:45pm at the Armory.
Tour de Curetour de cure
ROC No Boundaries and WalkCrew Workout7:45am (varying locations)
Cupids Cup5K
Snow Cheapsnow cheap
cabin fever10am
GRASP Event (Caturday)Run for the cats
Sweaty Yeti Run12:00- 2:00 Armory
Spring Spartan kick off9:15am at the Armory
Spring Spartan Saturday9:15pm alternating each week.
ROC 6.29 HFM/Pacepass7:00am
NOBO/WC Wednesday Workout5:45pm
Training Saturday!7:00am
NOBO WC Kick off 7.10.20196pm kick off
SpeedPlay/HFM workout6pm
Hose 22 Pub Run & Walk6pm at Hose 22.
Three Heads Brewing - Pub Run/Walk6pm
ROC - Saturday Group RunFREE group run at the Armory 2pm
No Boundaries and WalkCrew Kick Off9:00am
ROC WalkCrew & No Boundaries Training5:45pm WalkCrew Training
Salomon Trail Demo Run - VictorThe perfect way to start trail running! All paces and fitness levels welcome! Please join us at the new Victor location to kick off our weekly trail runs. Salomon will be here to demo shoes and trail running techniques. After the run; please stay for refreshments!!!!
ROC HFM & SpeedPlay TrainingHFM & SpeedPlay Training 6:00pm alternating between Ridgeway and the Armory.
ROC Saturday TrainingHFM & Pace Pass 7:30am
Victor - Tuesday Night Hill WorkoutThis is an excellent opportunity to put a hill workout into your week. Meet at Fleet Feet - Victor (6PM) and do a group warmup, followed by hill repeats, then cool down back to the store. All paces welcome!
Victor - Trail & AlesWeekly Trail run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants.
ROC Saturday Training7:30am
Victor - Trail Run & Walk - 10:05AM"Victober" Celebration - come to celebrate opening of the Victor location with a Trail Run & Walk. We will be having footwear demos with On and Saucony. All paces welcome. Plenty of parking behind the store.
Victor - Road Run & Walk -10:05AM"Victober" Celebration - come to celebrate opening of the Victor location with a Road Run & Walk. We will be having footwear demos with On, Saucony, Hoka and New Balance. All paces welcome.
Victor - Road Run & Walk -2PM"Victober" Celebration - come to celebrate opening of the Victor location with a Road Run & Walk. We will be having footwear demos with On, Saucony, Hoka and New Balance. All paces welcome. Plenty of parking behind the store.
Saturday long run645
ROC - Saturday Training7:30am
Trails & Ales - VictorWeekly Trail run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants.
Waffle Trail Run - VictorJoin us for the annual Black Friday Waffle Trail Run//Walk at Fleet Feet on Friday, November 29th starting at 9am. We will start with a Trail Mile Run/Walk, chased with freshly made waffles and accoutrements (Nutella, fruit, syrup, whip cream) and Black Friday Shopping Extravaganza. All Welcome!
ROC Black Friday Waffle Run9:00am Armory and Ridgeway
Deck the Hills - Walk/Run - VictorThis is an excellent opportunity to put a hill workout into your week. Meet at Fleet Feet - Victor (6PM) and do a group warm-up, followed by hill repeats, then cool down back to the store. All paces welcome! Counts as (1) 12 Days of Fitmas workout! Reflective gear and a headlamp are required.
Trail 'n Toy Drive - Walk/Run -VictorTrail 'n Toy Drive run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants. Counts as (1) 12 Days of Fitmas workout!!! Headlamps and reflective gear required. More details on toy drive to follow
Cane Cane Run/Walk - VictorJoin us for the "sweetest" holiday workout - The Candy Cane Run/Walk on Saturday, December 7th at 9:15AM! Enjoy route and distance tbd of Candy Cane sweetness with fellow runners and walkers. All welcome! Counts as (1) workout towards 12 Days of Fitmas!
Candy Cane Run/Walk - ArmoryJoin us for the "sweetest" holiday workout - The Candy Cane Run/Walk on Saturday, December 7th at 9:30AM! Ennjoy 3 ish miles of Candy Cane sweetness with fellow runners and walkers. All welcome! Counts as (1) workout towards 12 Days of Fitmas!
Candy Cane Run/Walk - RidgewayJoin us for the "sweetest" holiday workout - The Candy Cane Run/Walk on Saturday, December 7th at 9:30AM! Enjoy 3 ish miles of Candy Cane sweetness with fellow runners and walkers. All welcome! Counts as (1) workout towards 12 Days of Fitmas!
Caroling and Cocktails6pm @ The Armory
ROC Santa StampedeSanta Stampede
Egg Nog Jog - ArmoryWhen you think of the holidays what do you think of? Beautiful lights, holiday music and EGG NOG! Join us for a fun 3 mile workout on the 24th with friends and family! When you get back from your workout, we'll have egg nog and cookies waiting for you!
Trails & Ales - VictorWeekly Trail run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants.
Salomon How to Run Trails Clinic-VictorIn this clinic, we’ll explore the Seneca Trail. If you’re just starting to get out on the trails, looking for new tricks and tips on trail techniques, learning when to hike vs. run, or just looking to learn more about trails, this is the clinic for you! And we’ll have the latest Salomon Trail Shoes, to try during the clinic. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills, build confidence and meet other trail runners. Ideal for runners, hikers and walkers.
Salomon How to Run Trails Clinic-VictorFor this clinic, we’ll explore the Seneca Trail. If you’re just starting to get out on the trails, looking for new tricks and tips on trail techniques, learning when to hike vs. run, or just looking to learn more about trails, this is the clinic for you! And we’ll have Salomon Trail Shoes to try during the clinic. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills, build confidence and meet other trail runners. Ideal for runners, hikers and walkers.
Salomon Sunrise Road/Trail Shoe Demo Workout(meet at Riley Lodge Parking Lot across from Fleet Feet @ the Armory)
Thaw Out the Trails Thursday @ Victor -Winter WarriorEnjoy a group walk, hike or run on the Seneca Trail at the Thursday Night Trails and Ales a tour Victor store! You decide the distance on an “out and back” course, and after the trails we meet and socialize over ales at local establishments. Headlamps and reflective gear required.
ROC Flannel Friday WorkoutFlannel Friday Break out your most colorful and comfy flannels and finish your work week with a relaxed group workout! We alternate weeks between Ridgeway and Armory for an easy 3 mile neighborhood walk or run.
ROC Mittens Monday @ RidgewayMittens Monday Love Mondays and stay warm with your favorite mittens, or pick up a super comfy, fluffy and new pair as we start our week with a fun, group workout! Join us at Ridgeway for a 3 mile relaxing neighborhood workout. Ideal for walkers and runners!
ROC the Alps Hill Workout @ Victor - Winter WarriorRoc the Alps Tuesday (Winter Warriors) Join us Tuesdays where we’ll work collectively to ROC the Tuesday Night Hills at both Victor and Armory. Attendees will work-out as a group to collect enough "elevation feet" to scale the three largest peaks in the Alps! Walkers and runners are welcome! This is an excellent opportunity to put a hill workout into your week. Meet at Fleet Feet Victor (6PM) and do a group warm-up to High Point Drive Hill, followed by hill repeats, then cool down back to the store. All paces welcome!
ROC The Alps - ArmoryRoc the Alps Tuesday Join us Tuesdays where we’ll work collectively to ROC the Tuesday Night Hills at both Victor and Armory. Attendees will workout as a group to collect enough "elevation feet" to scale the three largest peaks in the Alps! Walkers and runners are welcome!
ROC Snowflake Saturday Workout at the ArmorySnowflake Saturday Don’t let the snowflakes deter you! Join the group to get some weekend miles every Saturday! We’ll rotate between Armory, Ridgeway
ROC Snowflake Saturday Workout RidgewaySnowflake Saturday Don’t let the snowflakes deter you! Join the group to get some weekend miles every Saturday! We’ll rotate between Armory, Ridgeway
ROC Thursday Speed Workout6-7pm HFM and Speed Play, Alternating between Ridgeway and the Armory each week.
Snowflake Saturday at Victor - Winter WarriorSnowflake Saturday (Winter Warriors) Don’t let the snowflakes deter you! Join the group to get some weekend miles every Saturday! We’ll rotate between Armory, Ridgeway and Victor, and you choose between a 3 and 5 mile route. Ideal for walkers and runners!
ROC Saturday TrainingHFM, Pace Pass 7:30am
ROC Snowflake Saturday Workout at the ArmorySnowflake Saturday Don’t let the snowflakes deter you! Join the group to get some weekend miles every Saturday! We’ll rotate between Armory, Ridgeway
ROC Snowflake Saturday Workout at RidgewaySnowflake Saturday Don’t let the snowflakes deter you! Join the group to get some weekend miles every Saturday! We’ll rotate between Armory, Ridgeway
walkcrew & no boundaries training6pm
Sweetheart Saturday Run - VictorSweetheart Saturday (Winter Warriors) Don’t let the snowflakes deter you! Join the group to get some weekend miles every Saturday! We’ll rotate between Armory, Ridgeway and Victor, and you choose between a 3 and 5 mile route. Ideal for walkers and runners!
ROC No Boundaries and WalkCrew5:45pm Wednesdays
ROC No Boundaries and WalkCrew5:45pm
ROC New Balance @ Swillburger6-7pm
ROC Snowflake Saturday Workout at the ArmorySnowflake Saturday Don’t let the snowflakes deter you! Join the group to get some weekend miles every Saturday! We’ll rotate between Armory, Ridgeway
ROC Snowflake Saturday - Ridgeway9:30am
Victor - Tuesday Night Hill WorkoutThis is an excellent opportunity to put a hill workout into your week. Meet at Fleet Feet - Victor (6PM) and do a group warmup, followed by hill repeats, then cool down back to the store. All paces welcome!
Trail & Ales - VictorWeekly Trail run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants.
Trail & Ales - VictorWeekly Trail run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants.
Tuesday Night Hill Workout - VictorThis is an excellent opportunity to put a hill workout into your week. Meet at Fleet Feet - Victor (6pm) and do a group warm-up, followed by hill repeats, then cool down back to the store. All paces welcome!
Trail & Ales - VictorWeekly Trail run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants.
Trail & Ales - VictorWeekly Trail run/walk at Fleet Feet Victor, followed by casual gatherings at local pub/restaurants.