Fun Runs & Special Events

Fun Runs & Special Events

Join our community of runners during our weekly fun runs on Thursdays (6pm) - 3 miles or 6 - and Sundays (7am) - generally longer runs, starting at 8 miles.  Group also includes event such as product test runs and tech events.  


Thursday Night Fun Run

Thursday, March 13th at 06:00 PM


A friendly social group for walkers, run/walkers and runners! We run in the Fleet Feet Montclair neighborhood for one or two 3 mile loops (approximately 30 - 60 minutes). There are easy turn around points for 1 mile (at James Street) and 2 miles (at Holland Terrace). All paces are welcome and you can cover as much or as little mileage as you desire! The route is flat, scenic and easy to navigate. Bring friends, family, co-workers … the more the merrier!

603 Bloomfield Ave.
Montclair, NJ 07042


Thursday Night Fun Run


A friendly social group for walkers, run/walkers and runners! We run in the Fleet Feet Montclair neighborhood for one or two 3 mile loops (approximately 30 - 60 minutes). There are easy turn around points for 1 mile (at James Street) and 2 miles (at Holland Terrace). All paces are welcome and you can cover as much or as little mileage as you desire! The route is flat, scenic and easy to navigate. Bring friends, family, co-workers … the more the merrier!

Meets Every Thursday @ 06:00 PM
Where 603 Bloomfield Ave.
Montclair, NJ 07042
More Information FAQ

Sunday Fun Runs


Join our Sunday Group Runs which typically go further then our weekday Fun Runs - usually starting at 8 miles.

Meets Every Sunday @ 07:00 AM
Where 603 Bloomfield Ave.
Montclair, NJ 07042

2020 10-Hill Challenge

This year our event will have an open, rolling start between 6am - 8am to help facilitate social distancing and staggered starts. Starting from Fleet Feet (603 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair), this Essex Running Club / Fleet Feet Montclair collaborative run is a 12.5 mile route through Montclair, Verona, Essex Fells and Cedar Grove featuring 10 hills.  A shorter route of 7 miles and 3 miles will also be available.  Maps will be provided and routes will include stops for water and Gatorade about every 3 miles.  A map of the route is available on the USATF Running Routes website. 

IMPORTANT NOTE! Due to COVID-19 and social distancing policies a face covering is required while gathering outside of Fleet Feet and around the starting area.  Please maintain social distancing at all times.

Bottled water and gatorade will be provided outside of Fleet Feet, as well as the scheduled water stops. Please note that there will be no access to the store at any time.

12.5 Mile Route :

7 Mile Route:

Kip's Castle 3 Mile Route:

Meets Sunday, Jul 19th, 2020 @ 06:00 AM - 08:00 AM
Where 603 Bloomfield Ave.
Montclair, NJ 07042

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