10k Training Group - Fall 2016

Train with Fleet Feet Brookfield to run The Pumpkin Run on October 23rd, 2016!
We will begin our Fall 10k Training Group on Wednesday, August 10th, 2016.
This program is designed for those who can complete a 5k without walking. If you are not at that level, please consider joining our 5k Training Group.
Important Dates:
1st Group Run is Wednesday, August 10th @ 6:00pm.
Goal Race: The Pumpkin Run
Sign up online or avoid the online sign-up fee by signing up in-store at Fleet Feet Brookfield, 17550 B-1 W Bluemound Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045. We're open M-F 10am-7pm, Sat 10am-6pm and Sun 11am-5pm.
As part of the experience, program participants will receive:
-An 11 week training program and calendar with detailed workouts
-Coached group runs on Saturdays at 9:00am and Wednesdays at 6:00pm
-Weekly emails from coaches with tips, advice, motivation and encouragement
-Dedicated support from coaches and mentors to answer individual questions
-Periodic clinics focused on technique, nutrition, injury prevention, apparel and other topics to be determined
-Training Group T-Shirt
Cost: $80 (Program fee does not include race registration.)
Where: Wednesday and Saturday Group Runs take place at the Fleet Feet Brookfield store.
Coaches: Mark & Noel Zickefoose.
E-mail Questions to: noel.zickefoose@fleetfeet.com or Call: 262.786.7463.
Refund Policy: No refunds will be issued once the group has begun. If you are unable to complete the training program for any reason, we will allow you to join a future training group for a reduced cost, prorated based on how long you were able to participate in the current group. Fleet Feet Sports Brookfield reserves the right to cancel group runs for severe weather and/or emergency situations. In the event of a cancelled class, refunds will not be granted. Fleet Feet Sports Brookfield makes every effort to hold group runs if at all possible.