Walk Fit

Kick off the 2017 New Year with a commitment to your fitness and health.
It starts with one step forward and we are here to take it with you! Walk FIT is a 4-week walking/running program designed to help you take the first steps to getting healthy by walking. The program includes a safe, guided training plan designed to allow you to work at your own pace in a non-threatening, non-judgmental environment. At the end of the 4-weeks, you'll be feeling healthy, happy, and strong. We encourage participants to exercise at their own comfortable pace.
Training begins Wednesday, January 18, 2017. We make getting active attainable! So get your walking shoes and let's start walking! Our Walk FIT Program is for all runners/walkers who would like to get active and walk fit! This is a perfect training program to prepare you for our No Boundaries 5k Program.
WHEN: Weekly training walks will be Wednesdays at Northtown Mall at 5:30pm and Saturdays at Spokane Valley Mall at 9am
WHERE: Various locations (Northtown Mall and Spokane Valley Mall)
PROGRAM COST: $30 (plus sales tax)
Training participants will receive:
**A 4-week training program
**Coach-led workouts twice weekly.
**Access to coaches/mentors via email during the week
**The camaraderie of others with the same goal!
Questions: Attend the info night at Fleet Feet Spokane (1303 N Washington St) on Mon January 16th, 6:30pm or email Julie