Bix 7 2017 Training Program

Registration Deadline passed.
Bix 7 2017 Training Program

Recently mastered the 5k distance and looking for the next challenge? Lose a bet with a coworker and get roped in to running (the Bix) this year? Looking to settle the score with those #!$@% hills? Look no further! Our coaches and mentors will take you through a 10 week session of guided, inspired running and/or walking! We'll write your training plan, coach you all the way along, provide tips on injury prevention and proper gear, answer any and all questions AND provide an incredible network of friends and support, setting you up for successfully completing the Quad City Times Bix 7 on July 29th in Davenport, IA.

We will be meeting on Monday and Thursday evenings at 6:15pm and we are partnering with Skechers Performance to bring you an awesome program! 



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