5K Training Program

Registration Deadline passed.
5K Training Program

No Boundaries focuses on beginners, but all levels of walkers and runners are welcome. The program is structured to help you cross the finish line of your first race in just 8 weeks! It can also help existing runners meet new performance goals. Along the way we’ll provide you with motivation to keep you moving, guidance and advice, weekly group training runs or walks, and educational clinics on topics such as proper nutrition, choosing the right gear, and avoiding injury. Plus, you’ll have the camaraderie of others just like you! The Program meets twice a week during the training period, once on a weeknight and once in Saturday mornings. The workouts will last about an hour to an hour and a half as we increase mileage throughout the season.


5K Training Start

Sunday, March 16th at 09:00 AM

Weekly 5k Training Start Date!

1221 Hay Street
Fayetteville, NC 28305


5K Training Start

Weekly 5k Training Start Date!

Meets Every Sunday @ 09:00 AM
Where 1221 Hay Street
Fayetteville, NC 28305
More Information FAQ

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