Decker Challenge Half Marathon

8 week Half Marathon program, beginning at-once, culminating with the Decker Challenge Half Marathon on December 9th, 2018. Tips on nutrition, hydration, and other pertinent essentials will be included.
Workouts are held on the following schedule:
Tuesday's - Core-Ture Class which includes Ab/Glute Conditioning and Flexibility for Runners. 6:30 PM at Fleet Feet Austin. Bring water, towel and yoga matt. Pre or Post short run encouraged.
Wednesday's - Track workouts alternating weeks between Austin High School Track at 6:15 AM.
Saturday's - Long runs will vary in meeting location. Check schedule weekly. Distance will vary according to upcoming race and YOUR individual program. Most long run's will start at 8:00 AM.
It is strongly encouraged to run with a GPS watch and heart rate monitor (although not required). Bring your own hydration to weekly runs, in order to stay safe!