Fleet Feet Pleasanton 5k Finish Training 2020

Welcome to our Spring 2020 5k Finish Training!
We understand that everyone is on their own journey to a healthier lifestyle. No matter what your journey is, we will have mentors and coaches to help guide and encourage you along the way. Join the fun and see what you can accomplish!
This program is your first step to a new and healthier lifestyle. It utilizes the run/walk method of training and very gently increases the distance and run time each week. We start with a 1 minute running and 30 second walking guideline. We change our intervals week to week to find an interval system that works well for you, while increasing our miles to get closer to your 5k goal. Little by little each week, you grow and build upon the previous week. This is a supportive, non-competitive class for anyone not injured and ready to make a change.
What's NEW this year? In 2020, Fleet Feet Running Club (FFRC) is changing things up to give our trainees a more complete experience with longer training sessions. Our new 14-16 week training length ensures that our trainees are improving more steadily, given more time to develop their running abilities, and incorporating more training principals than ever before! The 2020 5k Finish training will offer a 15 week plan with a complete base training phase than flows into the peak training phase. By this time our trainees should be ready to tackle their 5k with confidence!
5k Training 2020 Program Info
- Dates: January 5th to April 18th, 2020
- Information Meeting: Wednesday December 18th at 6pm at Fleet Feet Pleasanton
- Goal Race: PPIE Pleasanton Run for Education
- Price: $105
Workout Times:
- Wednesdays at 6:15 pm at Fleet Feet Pleasanton
- Sundays at 8 am at Fleet Feet Pleasanton
Program benefits:
- A complete 15 week training program
- Expert coaching
- Mentors to encourage you
- Cool tech training tee
- Education on running form, shoes, sports bras, injury prevention and more
- Email support from your coach
- Water or Nuun electrolyte drink at each run
- 10% discount for trainee during training session (some exclusions apply)
- Encouragement, support, and FUN!
Program Requirements: You must be regularly run/walking, three days a week. You cannot be injured.
Registration Info:
- No participants under the age of 18.
- No refunds or exchanges.
- Limited to 50 participants.
- Registration fee does not include race entry fee.