Make It a (Virtual) Mile
Registration Deadline passed.

Make it a (Virtual) Mile is a four-week free walking/running program designed to help beginners take the first steps to getting healthy and completing one mile. The program includes a safe, guided training plan designed to allow you to work at your own pace in a non-threatening, non-judgmental environment. We encourage participants to exercise at their own comfortable pace. At the end of the four weeks, you'll be mentally and physically able to complete one mile and will gain the confidence to work toward your next goal.
Program dates: March 31th - April 25th
Program logistics: This is a virtual group for runner and walkers of all speeds and abilities. We'll give you a workout calendar to follow each week, a weekly check-in email and will be available for questions, tips and any other virtual community inspiration we can provide!
Cost: FREE!! This is open to anyone. Please invite your friends to join!
Stay connected: Did you complete your workout today? Did you feel better than you expected? Keep in touch with your fellow runners and walkers by posting in our Running Is NOT Cancelled Facebook group.
Don't forget to check in: Earn miles on your Fleet Feet app by checking in for each workout under the Events tab. Don't have the Fleet Feet app? Download it today and select The Quarry, The Rim or The Forum as your home store.
Optional t-shirt: Show your pride in getting out and getting moving during this unprecedented time with our Fleet Feet Running Is Not Cancelled t-shirt. $5 from each shirt will be donated to the San Antonio Food Bank, which is ramping up its community service during the COVID-19 outbreak.
More information: Email or Kirsten@fleetfeetsanantonio if you have any question.