Nothing Rhymes with Coronavirus Virtual Scavenger Hunt!

Saturday May 2, from 7am-5pm join Fleet Feet Tallahassee and Tallahassee’s running and walking community in our first (and last) “Nothing Rhymes with Coronavirus Virtual Scavenger Hunt” Body Glide Fundraiser! Run through your own neighborhood searching for as many of the 25 scavenger hunt items as possible. Take a picture of you with every item then post it to Instagram and tag @Fleetfeettally! The first person to complete the scavenger hunt will win a Fleet Feet “Show Up” technical trucker hat, the ultimate Golden Shoe Trophy and the prestigious Title of “Nothing Rhymes with Coronavirus Virtual Scavenger Hunt” Champion!
Other Prizes include: Craziest Pictures award, Best dressed and the coveted Ultimate prepper award!
All winners will receive a “Show Up” Technical trucker hat.
To prevent any pre-scavenger hunt scouting, on Saturday May 2nd @ 7am the scavenger hunt list will be posted to our Facebook, Instagram, and will be emailed directly to you. Then it will be game on!
Believe it or not, because so many of our medical professionals are wearing masks 24/7, mask chaffing is a seriously uncomfortable problem many of them are facing. Body Glide has been used by many hospitals across the country to help reduce or eliminate mask chafing so our medical professionals can continue to do their jobs.
Your $10 sign up fee will go directly towards a package of Body Glide Which will be delivered by us directly to medical professionals in our area to help keep them fighting safely on the front lines!